Images from our March-April 2023 issue

Cape Henlopen State Park, DE

Photo and description by Tony Pratt

A decades-old credo for photographers is “f8 and be there.” It refers to a lens setting (f8) and, much more importantly, to get the photo, one has to be there. Landscape photographers learn early on that previsualizing location and time of day for the best light is imperative to taking a memorable photograph. Leaving the house about 90 minutes before sunrise, setting up on the beach at first glow, waiting to see how the daybreak light evolves and having the good fortune of interesting foreground reflective water were the elements that had to come together for this shot.

Ocean City, MD

Photo and description by Pamela Aquilani

“Hauling-out” is a behavior associated with pinnipeds, or as we more commonly know them, seals, where they will leave the water to rest, soak up the sun, give birth or molt. Sadly, they might also haul-out because of injury or illness. From December to May, you might be lucky enough to see one of these beautiful creatures on your favorite local beach. If you do, please be respectful for their safety and yours. The law requires maintaining a distance of at least 50 yards when observing a seal. Keeping my required distance and using a 400mm lens, I captured this striking seal raising its head with the rising sun.

Cape Henlopen State Park, DE

Photo and description by Pamela Aquilani

Beach photography on Delmarva involves miles of smooth sand and contoured ocean preferably in beautiful light. As spectacular as that can be, we also find interesting wave lines when rocks are part of the foreground. Some iconic coastal photos from New England or the West Coast are of waves breaking against rocks. Here on the Delaware coast, waves breaking on rocks are only found on man-made structures, but that doesn’t diminish the beauty of the photographs you can take.

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