The Salisbury School

Empowering Individuality For Nearly 50 Years

Students who begin their educational career at The Salisbury School establish an early love of learning and a sense of autonomy over their educational journey. Rather than placing a focus on grades and testing, students focus on reading books they love and experiential learning opportunities. Essential classes such as art, music, technology, science, Spanish and Mandarin help develop well-rounded children that value educational experiences beyond simply learning reading and math.

One of the central philosophies of The Salisbury School is the benefit of experiential learning. This continues in middle school with hands-on project-based work which teaches independence and responsibility. Computer science and STEM classes progress to a higher level in preparation for the skills needed in upper school.

TSS provides its high school students with opportunities to develop their individual interests and provides support for each to reach his or her own maximum potential. The upper school offers a wide range of AP options, including AP Computer Science. College counselor Gracie Ruark works closely with each junior and senior to help them find and apply to colleges that are the best fit.

University Ready
The Salisbury School is a college preparatory school with 100% of its students being accepted at 4-year universities. Its tailored educational program enables students to reach their full potential and become well-rounded individuals.

Independent Thinkers
Many students take advantage of independent study programs to explore topics that they are passionate about. This year includes Botany, Film Genre Studies and Veterinary Terminology.

Tailored Tuition
Tailored tuition is available to accommodate individual family profiles to help ensure access to an Independent School education for any student who is academically qualified. 

410-742-4464   |   |   6279 Hobbs Road, Salisbury

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